Talk With Someone
I want to:
Speak Confidentially
Information about your incident will not be shared with anyone. You will not be contacted by a Title IX Coordinator.
Health Education Services
Health Education Services offer in-person, email, and phone services.
Student Health Center
Student Health Center offers in-person and phone services.
Office of the Student Ombuds
Office of the Student Ombuds offers email and phone services.
Speak Semi-Confidentially
Non-identifying information about your incident will be shared with a Title IX Coordinator. You will not be contacted by a Title IX Coordinator.
Women’s Center
Women’s Center offers in-person, email, and phone services.
LGBTQ Center
LGBTQ Center offers in-person, email, and phone services.
Disability Cultural Center
Disability Cultural Center offers in-person, email, and phone services.
Campus Ministry Staff
Campus Ministry Staff offer in-person, email, and phone services.
GSP Student Advisors
GSP Student Advisors offer in-person, email, and phone services.
Speak Non-Confidentially
Information about your incident will be discreetly shared with a Title IX Coordinator. A Title IX Coordinator will email you to provide resources and support. You are not obligated to respond.
Title IX Coordinator
Title IX Coordinator offers in-person, email, and phone services.
Student Conduct
Student Conduct offers in-person, email, and phone services.