Title IX Ambassador Initiative

Overview of Title IX Ambassador Initiative

The Office of Title IX Compliance is responsible for ensuring a safe, respectful, and inclusive educational and work environment for students and employees, free from discrimination and harassment based on sex. The Title IX office provides information about available on- and off-campus resources, explains the University’s formal complaint process, helps individuals navigate through the University’s systems, and monitors the University’s climate with respect to sexual misconduct (sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, and stalking).

Student leaders, including Title IX Ambassadors, play a vital role in shaping the Georgetown experience and community. Student leaders are able to effect change on campus through mentoring, advocacy, peer education and program development. The Title IX office sees it as essential to include student leaders in its efforts to make a positive change on campus; the goal of the Title IX Ambassador program will be able to contribute to making that change.

Launched in Fall 2021, the Title IX Ambassador program provides undergraduate students with a unique opportunity to positively influence campus climate and culture through the design, development, facilitation, and assessment of workshops, programs, and training aimed at awareness-raising and the prevention of sexual misconduct.

Title IX Ambassadors are trained to have a clear understanding and ability to explain the on- and off-campus resources available to those affected by sexual misconduct, an ability to explain formal complaint options, including the University’s formal complaint process and alternative resolution options. Title IX Ambassadors design and co-conduct trainings and workshops for student groups, facilitate conversations on Title IX and related issues, design programs aimed at awareness-raising and the prevention of sexual misconduct, and develop ideas to strengthen the understanding and trust between students and the Office of Title IX Compliance.

We aim to develop the Ambassador role to be one free of reporting responsibilities so that they can foster and be engaged in open and honest conversations while maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of other community members. As such, Title IX Ambassadors are non-paid, volunteers who will be able to offer information and resources to survivors and those impacted by sexual misconduct and do not have to report disclosures of sexual misconduct to the Title IX office.

If you are interested in becoming a Title IX Ambassador please contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator at titleixideaa@georgetown.edu.

Becoming a Title IX Ambassador

We want you to join our initiative! Undergraduate and graduate students interested in becoming an Ambassador for the 2024-2025 academic year should complete an interest form  by June 28, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator at titleixideaa@georgetown.edu.

Partnering with the Title IX Ambassadors

We want to partner and collaborate with you! We are also hosting student-led Office Hours on October 5th and 26th from 8-9pm!

If you or your organization are interested in arranging a training or conversation with the Title IX Ambassadors or if you would like to register for Office Hours, please contact titleixideaa@georgetown.edu.

Title IX Ambassador Office Hours

Meet and talk with the University’s Title IX Ambassadors. Ask questions, learn about resources and reporting options, and explore ways to collaborate with the Ambassadors. To register for the virtual Office Hours Zoom link, please email titleixideaa@georgetown.edu.

  • Monday, February 12, from 2-3pm
  • Wednesday, March 13, from 4-5pm
  • Wednesday, April 3, from 2-3pm

Individuals may also contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator for more information or with any questions at samantha.berner@georgetown.edu.