Resources for Faculty and Staff

Information on Medical Care, Safety Assistance, Confidential Counseling, Faculty and Staff Ombuds. and Interim Supportive Measures can be found below. 

If interested in reporting an act of sexual misconduct to the University, click here for reporting information.

If unsure of where to start, start with a confidential counselor from the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.

Medical Care  

If you are the survivor of a sexual assault, many medical options are available to you on and off campus. An individual may choose to seek medical services at any time.  However, for evidence collection, disease and STI prevention, and better medical care, it is important to seek medical assistance as soon as possible. Confidential counselors are available to speak with you about medical options and/or accompany you to the hospital upon request. 

Urgent medical care is available from any hospital emergency room, a private medical doctor, or a clinic. As the home of the DC Forensic Nurse Examiners Program, MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. provides the most comprehensive care for survivors of sexual assault and, if possible, should be the first place survivors visit for medical care.

If you choose to seek medical care, consider taking the clothes that you were wearing at the time of the assault with you to the hospital in a paper bag. Avoid storing the clothes in a plastic bag in order to preserve evidence. You should also bring a change of clothes.

Confidential counselors at Georgetown University are always available to talk about the options and resources available to you. 

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program at MedStar Washington Hospital Center

DC Forensic Nurse Examiners

MedStar Washington Hospital Center Emergency Department
110 Irving St, Washington, D.C.
On-Call Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (24/7) | 1-844-4HELPDC (1-844-443-5732)
D.C. SANE Program Office (9:00 am -1:00 pm, M-F) | (202) 742-1736

As the home of the DC Forensic Nurse Examiners Program, MedStar Washington Hospital Center provides the most comprehensive care for survivors of sexual assault, including:

  • Evidence collection by nurses with specialized training
  • STI testing and treatment
  • Support services by victim advocates from DC Rape Crisis Center
  • Referrals to counseling and crime victim compensation
  • Follow-up care

Call the On-Call Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (24/7) to get a free Uber cab to MedStar Washington Hospital Center | 1-844-4HELPDC (1-844-443-5732)

Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service (GERMS) 

Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service (GERMS) 
Village C West 206, Georgetown University
(202) 687-4357

GERMS provides free, emergency medical care and ambulance transportation to MedStar Georgetown University Hospital.

Safety Assistance  

If you are in a life-threatening situation, call the police immediately. 

  • Main campus: call 202-687-4343 to reach the Georgetown University Police Department
  • Law Center: call 202-662-9325 to reach the Georgetown Law Department of Public Safety
  • SCS: call 202-907-3061 to reach Emergency Assistance at SCS-640 Mass Ave
  • Off-campus: call 911 to reach the Metropolitan Police Department

The police can provide protection from the assailant and can collect evidence and testimony for criminal charges.  

To talk through whether these options would be helpful, please contact Georgetown’s confidential counselors. 

Georgetown University Police Department (GUPD)

When requested, GUPD can issue:

  • No-Contact Orders – banning contact between two members of Georgetown University
  • Barring Notices – banning an individual from Georgetown University, when appropriate
  • Guidance on how to Obtain Protection Orders; GUPD may not issue protection orders as they are issued by a judge via the Domestic Violence Intake Centers. Survivors who wish to seek a protective order should consider taking steps to preserve evidence, as it may be necessary to establish the proof of criminal domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

GUPD can also provide safety planning, neighborhood shuttles, safe rides and individual walking escorts.

GUPD provides free transportation to Washington MedStar Hospital for survivors who wish to seek medical attention or receive a forensic medical exam after experiencing sexual misconduct. Depending on the individual’s preferences, the transportation may be either in a police car or unmarked vehicle, and by a uniformed or plain-clothed officer (available to stay in the vehicle or remain in the waiting room). If a student does not wish to involve GUPD, free transportation to Washington MedStar Hospital may also be provided via Uber through the DC Forensic Nurse Examiners by calling the DC SANE Call Center at 1-844-4HELPDC (1-844-443-5732).

Metropolitan Police Department (MPD)

MPD provides police, fire, and emergency medical services. MPD can also conduct criminal investigations if requested. 

Please note that if a survivor wishes to pursue a criminal action, MPD must be notified. GUPD may assist in notifying MPD at the individual’s request. 

GUPD and MPD systems operate independently. GUPD strives to act consistently with an individual’s wishes and typically will not report to MPD unless there is an imminent safety concern. 

The filing of an incident report with GUPD or a criminal complaint with MPD will not preclude individuals from pursuing the other option. If both options are pursued, the investigations will proceed simultaneously, as best as possible.

Confidential Counseling

The people listed below are professional counselors who can help with crisis intervention and counseling services, including assistance in accessing medical care, student and/or criminal judicial systems, safety planning, academic assistance, support groups, and housing relocation. All services are confidential and most are free of charge.

University Resources

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)

Debra Brletic, JD, LPC
Assistant Director, Counselor at Law Center
1300-A 36th Street N.W. Washington, DC 20007
(202) 687-3055 |

Sandhya (Sandy) Wilhelm
Program Coordinator/Counseling Intern
1300-A 36th Street N.W. Washington, DC 20007
(202) 687-2396 |

Campus Ministry 

Ordained Clergy (i.e. Brahmachari, Fr., Imam, Rabbi, or Rev.) 

Within the Office of Campus Ministry, ordained clergy, acting in their pastoral roles, are fully confidential; this includes both Chaplains in Residence and Jesuits in Residence when acting in their pastoral roles. Individuals in those roles do not report any information to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator or the University’s Title IX Coordinator. They must, however, appropriately report any safety concerns as required by their professional licenses (child abuse, elder abuse, harm to self or others, etc.).  Since identifying information has not been shared, there is no outreach to the survivor from the Office of Title IX Compliance. 

External Resources

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) 
1-800-656-HOPE (24/7 hotline)
RAINN’s on-line hotline provides live, secure, anonymous crisis support for victims of sexual assault and their families.

DC Rape Crisis Center 
(202) 333-RAPE (24/7 hotline)
DC Rape Crisis Center offers services that help survivors and their families heal from the aftermath of sexual violence including crisis intervention, counseling and advocacy.


Main Campus Faculty Ombuds: a safe place to share your workplace concerns for all tenure, tenure-line, full-time non-tenure line, and adjunct faculty. The Ombuds, Catherine Langlois, can be contacted at facultyombuds@georgetown and

University Staff Ombuds: a confidential, neutral, independent, informal, and voluntary resource providing assistance to Georgetown AAP/staff with university-related questions, concerns and disputes. The Ombuds, Linda Brothers, can be contacted at

Interim Supportive Measures

A confidential counselor or the Title IX Coordinator can work with an individual who has experienced sexual misconduct to provide interim supportive measures, understand reporting options, and help coordinate reasonable protective measures to help prevent any detrimental acts related to the allegations of misconduct and provide a safe educational and work environment.  

Please Note: Requests for interim supportive measures can be made whether or not you decide to file a complaint with the University or with the police. The range of interim supportive measures varies and may include the following actions at the discretion of the University based on the circumstances.  

Potential Interim Supportive Measures For Employees:

  • No-contact notices (similar to a restraining order)

  • Administrative leave for the survivor or accused

  • Modification of work schedules 

  • Georgetown police escort | call (202) 687-4343

  • General safety planning

Students seeking such assistance should speak to their Deputy Title IX Coordinator or contact a confidential counselor.