Resources for Students
What do I do if I am accused of sexual misconduct?
Do not contact the complainant. Contact Samantha Berner, Title IX Coordinator, who will explain the University’s procedures for addressing sexual misconduct complaints, explain the rights and responsibilities of the Complainant and Respondent, explain the prohibition against retaliation, and explain the grievance process.
Where can I find support and resources?
Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
CAPS offers professional confidential counselors who can help with crisis intervention and counseling services, including assistance in student and/or criminal judicial systems, academic assistance, and trauma counseling.
Main Campus: Ground Floor, East Side of Darnall Hall
(202) 687-6985
After hours, call (833) 960-3006 to reach Fonemed, a telehealth service; individuals may ask for the on-call CAPS clinician
Title IX Coordinator
Samantha Berner, Georgetown’s Title IX Coordinator, can assist both the Respondent and Complainant in coordinating protective measures and other timely services, provide information about available resources, and explain the University policies on sexual misconduct and the University’s complaint process.
Samantha Berner, Title IX Coordinator and Director of Title IX Compliance
Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Affirmative Action
M-36 Darnall Hall
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington, D.C. 20057
Phone: (202) 687-9183
The Title IX Coordinator can work with an individual to help coordinate reasonable supportive and protective measures to help prevent any detrimental acts related to the allegations of misconduct and provide a safe educational and work environment.
Please Note: the range of supportive measures varies and may include the following actions at the sole discretion of the University based on the circumstances. Requests for supportive measures can be made whether or not a complaint was filed with the University or with the police.
Potential Supportive Measures For Students:
- No-contact notices (similar to a restraining order)
- Modification of class schedules
- Alternate housing arrangements
- Academic accommodations (such as paper extensions and alternative test dates)
- Georgetown police escort | call (202) 687-4343
- General safety planning
Students seeking such assistance may speak to the Title IX or Deputy Title IX Coordinator or contact a confidential counselor.
Student Outreach and Support (SOS)
Please see below for information on how SOS may help support you during the conduct process. For more information or to speak to one of the SOS staff, please visit the SOS website or contact the office at
What is SOS?
SOS is a department within the Division of Student Affairs that supports students experiencing transitions or difficulties due to outside stressors (e.g., health/mental health issues, family stress, living situations, etc.). SOS helps students manage the impacts of these stressors by connecting them to resources that may aid in their success.
How can SOS assist during the conduct process?
Georgetown University is committed to providing students with prompt, thorough, and equitable investigation and resolution of complaints involving sexual misconduct filed against University students through the student conduct system. SOS offers support to any student who may be involved in an Office of Student Conduct or sexual misconduct-related concern.
What SOS is:
- A link to facilitate a student’s connection with appropriate University resources including, but not limited to, Counseling and Psychiatric Service (CAPS), the Academic Resource Center (ARC), the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, and the Office of Student Conduct
- A resource committed to supporting students
What SOS is NOT:
- A confidential resource or counselor. While SOS will treat information discreetly (as defined by FERPA), it is important to understand that SOS is not a confidential resource like an attorney or a licensed counselor in Counseling and Psychiatric Service
- An attorney or advocate
- A contact point for parents or attorneys
- A witness in a student conduct case
What rights do I have if I am accused of sexual misconduct?
- You have the right to receive notice of the allegations and an opportunity to be heard and present your side and any witnesses that you identify in support of your side.
- You have the right to a prompt and equitable investigation.
- You will have the opportunity to fully provide your side to the investigator.
- A presumption of innocence requiring a standard of proof of “more likely than not” for a finding of “Responsibility.”
- As a student, you have access to Counseling and Psychiatric Services.