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All Students

Bystander Intervention Education for Student Leaders

Stemming from a working group established in 2015 and based on a need further supported by the results of the Sexual Assault and Misconduct Climate Survey, undergraduate student leaders will attend a mandatory Bystander Intervention Workshop during their fall semester. As we work toward a community that is free from sexual violence, Georgetown recognizes the importance of ALL Hoyas being a part of the solution.  Bystander Intervention Training works to prevent and combat incidents or possible incidents of sexual violence on campus by teaching individuals how to safely intervene in situations where an incident may be occurring or where there could be risk.  This training will assist students in defining what a bystander is, identifying inappropriate behaviors or interactions that may call for bystander intervention, and locating resources for others on whose behalf they intervene. The training will use a combination of real life case study, role plays, and open group discussion that will ensure participants feel comfortable and confident in their ability to engage in safe and effective bystander intervention. It will teach students the ABCs of intervention, instructing participants to Assess for safety, Be with others, and Care for Victim. 

In addition, beyond skills for intervening at a direct level, participants will also be able to explore the kinds of behaviors and belief structures that allow sexual violence to stay hidden and survivors to be silenced.

Main & Medical Students

Health Education Services

Health Education Services (HES) is the primary campus provider of health education and seeks to promote the health and well-being of all students through care for the WHOLE Hoya: body, mind, and soul. HES offers various opportunities for students to get involved.  Students interested in learning more about HES should contact

Georgetown University Women’s Center

The Women’s Center offers a diverse selection of educational programs, leadership experiences, services and resources to engage and support the entire Georgetown campus community. The Center provides resources and referrals for survivors of sexual assault and interpersonal violence and collaborates with campus partners on programs like I Am Ready and Are You Ready.  For more information please visit the Women’s Center website or contact the Center at

Georgetown University LGBTQ Resource Center

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Resource Center provides education, programming, support services, and voice to Georgetown students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We are committed to understanding sexual orientation and gender identity in the context of and as it intersects with race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, ability, socio-economic status, and culture. Inspired by the Catholic and Jesuit principles of respect for the dignity of all, cura personalis, equality, and education of the whole person, the Center seeks to establish a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for LGBTQ community members and promote better understanding and integration with the entire campus community. For more information please visit the LGBTQ Resource Center or contact the Center at

The Office of Student Conduct

The Office of Student Conduct serves as a resource to the University community through its efforts to meet the educational and developmental needs of students related to community standards, conflict management, and resolution, civility, and respect for self and others. The student conduct system exists to handle alleged infractions against University rules and regulations.  Hearing Boards composed of student and faculty/administrator voting members, drawn from the Hearing Board Pool, hear cases to determine the outcome. Students and faculty/staff member who are interested in serving on the Board should contact the Office of Student Conduct at

Sexual Assault Peer Educators (SAPE)

SAPE is a group of students who aim to create a survivor-centric campus at Georgetown. SAPErs facilitate interactive discussions that promote healthy relationships, dispel myths relative to different forms of interpersonal violence, examine gender roles and how they relate to violence, define consent, provide suggestions for active bystander intervention, highlight available resources on campus, and explore how the Georgetown community can work toward ending interpersonal violence. For more information, please contact SAPE at

Are You Ready

Are You Ready is an annual student and community program aimed at addressing the issues facing the friends of those surviving sexual assault and the role of communities in working to end sexual assault. Health Education Services and the Women’s Center partner with Counseling and Psychiatric Services, the LGBTQ Resource Center and the Office of Residential Living to run this powerful event. 

This year participants of Are You Ready will hear a survivor and her partner share a paralleled story of how sexual violence entered their lives and how they intersected as a healthy couple raising a family. This will be followed by a large group dialogue on community responsibility. This program will take place in the Fall Semester. For more information, please contact Health Education Services at

Take Back the Night

Georgetown University Take Back The Night (GUTBTN) is a student advocacy group committed to the fight against gendered violence, including domestic violence and sexual assault. GUTBTN promotes gender equality and the empowerment of women to achieve those ends. GUTBTN seeks to raise consciousness about violence against women and to serve as a support system for those affected (directly or indirectly) by violence against women. For more information, please contact

I Am Ready

I Am Ready is part of Georgetown’s mandatory NSO program that was launched during New Student Orientation (NSO) 2014. This program is coordinated by Health Education Services and NSO in partnership with the Women’s Center, CAPS, The LGBTQ Resource Center, and the Office of Residential Living. It occurs just following the NSO play, Hoya RealTalk, which focuses on college health issues including sexual assault.  I Am Ready is organized into small groups of new students and their Orientation Advisors (OA’s) who attend the NSO play and then have a one-hour dialogue facilitated by I Am Ready peer facilitators.  Applications for facilitators are available during the Spring semester and training takes place in April and August. For more information, contact Health Education Services at

In addition, all new and transfer students are required to take an online training program called Think About It within the first month on campus. Think About It is a substance and sexual abuse training program that prepares students to confront and prevent serious campus problems.  A subsequent booster program, Think About It, part 2 is offered to all students in the spring semester.

Law Students

Advocates Against Sexual Violence (AASV) – Law Center

Advocates Against Sexual Violence (AASV) is a student-run organization aimed to combat sexual violence and the culture that surrounds it through education, advocacy, and systemic reform, both on the Georgetown University Law Center campus and in the greater D.C. area. The organization is committed to inclusiveness and recognizes that sexual violence is a communal harm. AASV hosts events on the Law Center campus to better educate our community on issues related to sexual violence, including the fundamental aspects of sexual violence and legal remedies available to survivors.  Students in AASV are also involved in the greater D.C. community by participating in pro bono legal advocacy for survivors.  For more information, please contact AASV at

Staff & Faculty

Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Affirmative Action (“IDEAA”) EOE Board

Faculty and Staff interested in getting involved may join the Equal Opportunity Examining Board that sits on the IDEAA Grievance Panel to hear appeals related to discrimination and harassment cases. Please contact IDEAA at for more information.