Reporting Sexual Misconduct to the Office of Student Conduct

Students have the right to file a formal complaint with the Office of Student Conduct. Further information regarding the process can be found on the Student Conduct Website and/or by reading the Office of Student Conduct’s Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures.

Information can also be obtained by talking to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator for The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

If an individual is unsure about whether he/ she wants to file a formal complaint, he/ she is encouraged to contact a confidential counselor to discuss his/ her reporting options.

Rights and Responsibilities for Complainants in the Student Conduct System

A “Complainant” refers to an individual who has filed a formal complaint against a Georgetown University student through the student conduct system. 


Rights and Responsibilities for Respondents in the Student Conduct System

A “Respondent” refers to a Georgetown student who has been alleged of violating the Code of Student Conduct while he/she was a Georgetown student through the Georgetown University student conduct system